Carol Faber-Peake








Carol Faber-Peake currently lives and works in the Bay Area in Alameda, California. She has recently moved her studio to Alameda and is excited about the rennovation, so will keep us posted. Carol is a member of the Livermore Art Association as well as the Pleasanton Art Association. She has participated in Artwalk 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2017 in Livermore.

"Painting, sculpting, mask making, writing, collage artworks, storytelling arts are my creative mediums.  As life continues to evolve, my intention through the creative art process is to empower people to use art not only as a healing tool but to discover their inner consciousness. Each new experience is connecting me to her ever growing community and a desire to reach out and share this process with others." 

After obtaining her Associate in Arts at Los Positas College in Livermore, she attended CSU East Bay Hayward and graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Fine Arts.  Carol designed and facilitated a pilot four hour workshop at John F. Kennedy University in Berkeley, California on honoring transitions and reminiscent work in November, 2011. In 2012 she received her certification in Faces of Your Soul Mask Making through Kaleo Ching and Elise Ching at John F. Kennedy University.  June 2013 she received her Masters of Transformative Arts from John F. Kennedy University.

Her mixed media masks were exhibited at the Cinema Place Gallery in Hayward, California as part of the CSU East Bay Connections II Alumni Gallery Show in 2013 as well as the Connections III CSU East Bay Alumni show at the Bankhead Theater in Livermore, California in 2014. 

On display at the LAA Gallery 2155 Third Street in Livermore, California are a selection of two of her masks as well as a collection of her paintings, color reprints of her original paintings and collage work, note cards and color reprints on beautiful 4x4" cork coasters.

Information on Faces of the Soul Individual Sessions is located under Mask Making Events.